Monday, August 3, 2009

Cookies, Cupcakes and MORE...

Experiencing more than a sugar craving? Golosinas has added three different varieties of palate pleasing pies (Pasteles) to its menu… Pastel de Pollo, Pastel de Espinaca and Pastel de Jamon y Queso. Bursting with Latin flavors, these pasteles are completely stuffed with homemade hearty chicken, spinach quiche, or sweet ham and Swiss cheese. Our buttery crust is made from a secret family recipe that will have you saving it as the “best for last!” Accompanied with a cup of homemade soup, these pasteles are splendid for an everyday lunch or dinner entrĂ©e. You won’t leave a crumb on your plate! Also try Golosinas pasteles for your special occasion as they are a delectable addition to any baby or bridal shower luncheon.